A day of cruising in the Jeep. Started with 80 degree temps. Took tee tops off. The closer we got to Lake Michigan, the temperature started dropping. Got down to 70 and we had to put to tops back on! Lake Michigan is so big! Every time I see it I think the same thing. It’s huge! And so beautiful the water is a beautiful blue. We drive up to St Joseph where the lighthouse is and Silver Beach and then to Coloma just because Ken found it on the map. On our way up we spied a church that had been converted to a brewery. Beer Church Brewery in New Buffalo. They were closed but will have to check them out next time. We picked up a fresh baked apple walnut pie at a fruit stand. Apple orchards every where! It was an awesome drive. Tonight we’ll share our pie with the neighbors next to us who are from Washington state while we enjoy an adult beverage around a campfire. Life is good.
Note: This was such a great trip that we did it again (with tee tops on) a year later with several friends.
Beer Church Brewery