Ken and I have lived a good life. We’ve been blessed to say the least. We both retired 6 years ago and have been traveling around this great country of ours in our RV. We have been from one coast to the other and all in between. From Texas to Maine to Washington, Oregon and California to the Grand Canyon and down to the Florida Keyes. We have seen so many beautiful places, had some of the best wines and spirits and eaten some of the best reginal food you can imagine. Life is good.
I decided to chronicle some of our excursions and document some of our experiences, both good and bad. Throw in a few philosophical thoughts, some funny antidotes, provide some helpful information for other RVers, share a few favorite recipes and a bucket load of pictures and let you have a glimpse into our lives.
Hope you enjoy the journey with us!
Hope to see you one the road!
– Carol and Ken